Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Sunday, August 26, 2007
To commemorate the hojiber days of doing mindless memorizing of notes for the sole purpose of regurgitation during examinations, here's a post to show you the ever-classic handwriting degeneration syndrome (as noted by Kavee).

Chapter 1: Got off to a great start

Chapter 2: Still good

Chapter 3: First sign of frustration

Chapter 4: Disorientation sets in

Chapter ?: Pwned
And as a form of encouragement to my friends who are still studying,

Gupped from Jer's blog.
To top it off,

On behalf of poly kidz.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Monday, July 30, 2007
My virgin gig!
Qing Tian - "Deng dao feng qing de na tian ye xu wo hui bi jiao BYEBYE"
Move Along intro (just the intro because we didn't really know how to play the whole song haha)
It Ends Tonight
I Will Survive
And POP pics from dick's Flickr
Including handy tips on how to take pictures with OSOS kidz.

Tip 1: When trying to take a picture for an OSOS kid, count to 3 but press the button at 1. Never mind that the person whom picture you're trying to take isn't ready with his/her pose; at least you get a picture of the whole face.

Tip 2: OSOS kids pose with weird handsigns that don't mean anything.

Tip 3:When taking a picture with any OSOS kids in the area, take the picture against a wall. (Notice the weird handsigns in the 2nd photo from the kids at the back again)

Tip 4: When you want no extra faces in the picture, get Keong to be in it (Nah Keong you know I'm just kidding)

Tip 5: If the mountain doesnt come to Ali, Ali goes to the mountain. (Ah Hong Ge's the mountain in case you don't get it)

OSOS still stayin' strong. Damn we're cool.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Thursday, July 12, 2007

The sender appears to be a guy, so my assumption is that either he's sexist, or is a closet prankster.
Anyway, this morning I woke up at 10.30, so I obviously missed the 9 a.m. class. The next lesson was at 12, but I didn't really feel like going, so I took my time and went to White Sands for brunch.
I walked the whole mall but couldn't decide on what to eat. I wanted something filling, but didn't want rice or noodles. Somehow I eventually decided on a McLunch.
Having watched 'Super Size Me', I was aware of the danger of McFries, and because of that, I wanted to eat as little fries I could. In the end I decided on a Fillet-O-Fish student's meal plus a Double Cheeseburger.
The aunty behind the counter took my order, and the food was promptly served.
Aunty: $7.60 please
Me:??!! Wah price increase ah?
Aunty: Ya la GST increase mah.
I've heard that student's meal had a price increase. But this much?! I thought the increase was only 2% more?! Where got increase so much one?! (An identical meal bought at McDonalds 2 weeks ago would only cost $6.60)
Having already exceeded my $7/day budget (I'm really broke now) on one single meal made me so sad that I was practically sulking as I consumed the tray of poison I just bought for $7.60.

This shit costs $7.60
Throughout the meal, I was imagining this in my head:

You just got ripped off, sucker, and there aint nothing you could do about it HAHAHA high five!
I seriously think that us consumers are really getting exploited by all the goods and service providers with this GST increase. Everywhere I see price increase of more than 2% and I it's really unfair when these companies use this as an excuse to gain more profit.
But this GST hike isn't all bad. At least now I've got another reason why I won't eat at McDonalds.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
And so, recently, there was news of a certain monkey (no, I mean the real simian monkey) running amok in the Pasir Ris vicinity.
Mum told me that my sis had an encounter with the monkey while she was cycling at the park. When my sis left the bike (my bike!!) to get a drink, apparently the monkey clung onto the handlebar, and when my sis returned, the monkey refused to leave, and instead made that fierce monkey face (oooh oxymoron) at my sis and her friends.
On a side note, no wonder now my bike smells of banana.
So the natural question to ask was, what happened next. Mum told me that my sis and her friends did not know what to do, until one of them started praying, and woohoo, the monkey left.
I seriously have no comments on that.
Mum proceeded on telling me about how I should avoid walking to the MRT station for the next few weeks, and take the bus instead, because you'll never know when you'll see The Monkey.
And if you thought that was the paranoid part, it's not. It was later that night, while I was on the computer, when my mum came into the room.
Me: Whats up?
Mum: Oh, I wanted to check if your windows are closed
Me: Why?
Mum: The monkey might climb into your room
It may still sound perfectly logical up till this point, but consider the following:
1: Mr Monkey was spotted INSIDE Pasir Ris Park
2: I live on the tenth storey
What are the odds of a cute little simian going out of the way to leave comfort of the park, do a Spider-Mankey to climb 10 storeys up, and open MY window to have a chance at the 2 red bananas (don't ask me why they are red, I didn't buy them) that I saw in the kitchen?
Unless it has something to do with The Red Bananas.
Maybe the banana has some special powers, perhaps, perhaps, after eating the banana, one would become the
At this point I realized how idiotic I was making myself look by including the above 3 sentences in this post, but for the sake of entertaining you, and to keep you occupied by giving you a chance for you to think of how to mock me with regards to those 3 sentences, therefore enriching your pitiful life, I decided to include them anyway.
Till next time.
P.S.1 I went to the kitchen with the intention of taking pictures of The Red Bananas to put on this post, but they're gone!!!! ZOMG!!!
P.S.2 Jay, Kay and Fay Merlin got owned.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Woke up naturally (by that I mean not by the alarm clock)
Late breakfast
Played some PS2
Re-watched some Crayon Shinchan VCDs (which reminded me Carmen still has some of mine)
Watched The Simpsons Season 1 borrowed from school library
Woke up
Attempted to blog but was feeling super nua
Went for late dinner
And tada now I'm here typing this entry.
I realized that I could have done up this post just by using the above contents and adding a few adjectives and adverbs, something like this:
Wahahaha woke up today at 1130 am soooo shiok first time in so long that I can sleep and not get disturbed by the irritating alarm clock. Had bread and tea for breakfast and I was sooooo full. Then went to play PS2 after sooo long. Got some new games from huawei and was quite interesting. The game shadow of the colossus was kinda cool blah blah blah
P.S. words in italics are adjectives and adverbs
I thought that it would be too unethical to bombard you with pointless information on how my day went, so let's talk about something more significant.
The thing about today was the sense of guilt that struck me the moment I woke up at around 8.30 p.m.
The reason for this sense of guilt is simple. Most of you supposedly busy people would NEVER ever spend a perfect Saturday like this doing nothing at all. But I did, and it felt damn good.
Then the next thing that came into my mind was wondering why I was feeling guilty over something that made me happy.
I was very confused.
But now I think I have come up with a good reason why I should not be feeling guilty over the things I did (or the lack of it) today. And no, its not self-consolation.
Say if I were to say that I felt guilty over not doing anything today. Inevitably, some of you would get the idea that I am a workaholic, or at least I hate/fear/despise having time spent not doing anything (which in my opinion is the definition of being a workaholic, but some might argue, so yeah).
Being labeled as a workaholic is never a good thing. People would be using every chance to take advantage of your supposed love for work and fear of being laid back, and the stuff you have to do would never end. Sure you could finish your work quickly, but people would be asking for your favor with theirs just as quickly.
And this never ending flow of stuff to do would definitely deprive me of a chance of another day spent like today, which was definitely pleasurable to me. To sum it up, I would be making myself lose the chance to do something that I enjoy, which is pretty stupid.
So now you’re probably wondering: did I really enjoy my day or is this just some kind of one man conspiracy so that I will have less stuff to do. Sure, it would kill the idea of the remaining few people who still thinks that I love to do work, but I really am feeling kinda wonderful right now. Heck, I can even see the flowers blooming and hear the birds chirping in my room.
For those of you who are thinking that this post is just an excuse for really having nothing to do, heres 2 words: I WISH. There’s some research and a script to do for school projects, not to mention some SJAB stuff at hand. These things (yeah, THINGS) are calling for my attention at the back of my mind, and they sure are irritating, but they can wait. I’m not gonna let them ruin my so far wonderful Saturday. (Although I believe I wouldn't have the time nor motivation to do it tomorrow because its Mothers' Day, and someone said I was more excited than my mother, which is kinda true, but never mind, things will definitely work out)
For those who are stuffing your life with stuff to do, heed my advice, take a break. You’ll never know the wonders it does to you until you try it. REALLY!
Man, life is good.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
I found out the answer today.
It's actually something that we see very frequently in our fridge.
OK, maybe it's not someTHING, but you can probably categorize these foods into one category.
They are the bite-sized fruits/chocolate/cookies/munchies
Still, it's not that simple. These foods have to meet some very special requirements.
Firstly, they must not last for more than the duration for you to walk out of the kitchen in your mouth. So those ‘hard sweets’ are out of the picture (hard sweets as in Werther’s Original VS Big White Rabbit Milk Candy kinda hard)
Then of course, it has to taste good enough for you to want to get that second and consecutive piece(s).
There MUST also be a resisting factor for you to avoid eating too much of that food (e.g. bite-sized pineapples because they are sticky and you have to wash your hands every time you grab a piece from the fridge, or bite-sized chocolate because they are expensive/unhealthy/not yours)
Another requirement would be that there must be sufficient pieces of that food for you to retrieve it so many times that it actually REALLY harms the environment.
So here's a real life example of what I call the I-am-killing-mother-earth-because-I-am-gay syndrome (yeah I know it’s totally unrelated)
You just finished your dinner at home, and opens the top compartment of the fridge (freezer) hoping to see a tub of Ben and Jerry's sitting in the freezer waiting for you to eat it.
No Ben and Jerry's, but wait, you see a tub of Marigold's Neapolitan Ice Cream placed on top of the packet of frozen meat that mum bought. You thought to yourself, "Hell man, Marigold ice cream will do just fine, I just want something to cold and sweet to eat after dinner", and proceeds to open the tub.
To your horror, you find that there ain't no ice cream in the tub, all that's in are just more frozen meat that mum had put in the freezer. Devastated, you place the ice cream tubful of meat back.
You scan the freezer once more, hoping that your eyes had failed you and there was indeed a tub of ice cream tucked at some corner of the freezer.
No ice cream.
By then, you have already left the freezer door open for 20 seconds, and it would have used up quite some energy to keep the freezer at freezing temperature. The damage doesn’t end here yet.
So, you gave up looking for that after-meal craving.
Or so you thought.
Instinctively, you open the middle compartment of the fridge, but at this time you no longer hold any hope of getting any good stuff to eat. To your surprise, you see nicely cut up pieces of bite-sized pineapples that grandpa bought the other day. Someone had kindly skinned the pineapple, sliced it and placed it nicely into a bowl so that everyone can eat them.
You haven't got over the fact that your mum tricked you into thinking that the tub of meat was ice cream, but you popped a piece of the pineapple into your mouth anyway. You closed the fridge door and walked to the sink to rinse away the sticky pineapple juice, all the while chewing on that sweet and juicy piece of pineapple.
"Mmm, nice", you thought to yourself, as you attempted to make your way out of the kitchen.
You chew the juices dry of that piece of pineapple, and finally swallowed it. It tasted so good that you turned around and walked back to get another piece.
So you walked back to the fridge, took another piece and dumped it into your mouth. Then as you chew, you proceeded on to wash your hand AGAIN to rid your fingers of the sticky juice. You then attempted leave the kitchen again.
"Damn, its good"
So you walk back to the fridge, open it, take a piece of your delicious bite-sized pineapple, put it in your mouth, wash your hands while chewing, leave the kitchen, and then the urge to get just ONE LAST PIECE creeps in again. This vicious cycle repeats.
Till a point that you take out the whole plate and finish what's remaining of it while watching TV.
You put up with the aftermath of what you have done (e.g. an upset stomach for eating ONE WHOLE pineapple cut into bite size so that you don’t realize how much you have ate), and also endure an insult to your intelligence as a human being.
And not forgetting the harm that you have done to the environment.
It may seem trivial, but have you thought of the amount of energy you've wasted by repeatedly opening the fridge door, and the amount of water you've wasted with washing your fingers for so many times?
The scariest part however, is that it only takes 2 minutes to do all these damage.
You have been warned. Spread this message of saving the Earth to your family (especially those who are taking care of the stuff in the fridge).
Do your part for a better tomorrow.
Do it right, do it now.
OMG I'm disgusted by the corniness of this post.
Sunday, April 08, 2007
1) Go to any shopping centre with a large group of people
2) Start plotting on who you'd want to pangseh, make sure you don't get double crossed
Tips on how to be a better pangsehire (pronounced pangsai)
1) NEVER walk in front of the group
2) Always be alert for who's talking general nonsense to you while leading you away from the group
3) Hold your bladder; saying that you need to go to the toilet is equal to saying "Pangseh me!"
4) Wear your shoes and take your bags with you when pangsehing people
5) Never close your eyes for more than 1 minute even when playing a game, especially when you hear giggles around you
6) Take lifts at your own risk
This game sounds like a game of betrayal, but I can never imagine playing this game with anyone else other than my squad kids, because I trust that I'd never REALLY get pangsehed at say, Tampines Mall while the rest of the people goes to Suntec, and also because anyone else would probably get pissed and not understand the fun of it because its essentially a very boliao game.
So here's my warning: PLAY ONLY WITH CLOSE FRIENDS
Now you know what people are doing when you see them running around in shopping centres like idiots. Have fun!
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
I'm not sure about you, but I sure did spend some time thinking about it.
The first thought that came to mind was to receive a huge amount of money, i.e. $10 million or something around that line, so that I could buy most of the things I want and save up the rest so starting a business wouldn't be so difficult in the future. But then I thought, money probably isn't the most important thing, so I threw the thought away.
The next thing that came to mind was World Peace (I swear). The world would definitely be a better place without all the jihads and counter-jihads and violence and discrimination, and finally everyone on Earth could live in peace and harmony. However, I thought to myself, could humans, being such greedy creatures, ever understand the concept of peace, or would they just start breeding all the traits that we try so hard to eliminate once the wish (my wish!) was granted? And this lead my thought to thinking that the only way to achieve world peace would be to make all human beings disappear from the face of Earth, and by doing that essentially I would be wishing to make MYSELF cease existing! Not a very nice thought indeed.
And of course, the little fish-seller in me also reminded me that even if world peace was granted and I did not disappear, I probably would still be living my life as it is now, and there would be no improvements at all, not even an addition of an electronic drum set in my room.
Then there's immortality. That's plain dumb.
I've always thought that I am a very unlucky person. I seldom win lucky draws, lucky things rarely happens to me blah blah blah. So I thought, maybe I could wish for the best luck in the world. Imagine this, with the best luck in the world, I could live on winning lotteries, and probably get most of the things I want in the world (first wish fulfilled), and I would never be hit by bird shit or killer litter or get killed by terrorists. But then I thought to myself, life would be meaningless if everything was so easy. So cannot la.
Then I imagined what a person with the purest mind would wish for. And I can't thing of anyone else with a pure mind except for a kid. And if you grant a kid a wish, they'd probably wish for something along the line of a hug from mummy, or milk. Sure I could wish for milk, and then get labelled "moron" or "the guy who wished for milk" for the rest of my life.
My thoughts then suddenly jumped to the wishlist that I made several posts ago. I could wish for a drum set. After 2 seconds I gave it up, reason being I'd be label something like "the guy who wished for an effing drum set" and then get assassinated by a tycoon who has a terminal disease. (you can go figure why)
Suddenly this thought sprang to my mind. I've got at least 5 other possible wishes that I could write about but I was getting bored typing this entry. So ima just have to conclude it here.
Among all the wishes above, I suddenly feel that the first one on receiving alot of money seems to be the best, and here's why:
1. It wouldn't make me disappear
2. I could do alot of things with that money
3. Life would still be challenging, the money would only be a boost
4. It's not stupid
And so should I meet a genie today, you most likely know what I would wish for. And one conclusion, wishes are very mafan.
Now, what's YOUR wish?
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Which made me remember the countless times I typed the word "Sex" when I actually wanted "Hey" in my sms. (because keypad 4 for "h" is right above 7 for "s", and I use the dictionary function when I type my sms)
Imagine seeing an sms that goes like this:
Sex where you? I reach already
So kids, remember to check through your message before sending them out!
Anyway, today I saw the most emo 9-year-old that I have ever seen in my life.
This little boy (who cannot be named as he is a minor) was fighting with a classmate. Obviously I had to stop the fight. I kinda reprimanded them for fighting, and then the little rascal (oops) just stomped out of the classroom and sat down at the space between the locker and the door and cried.
Yeah I know this aint emo enough. But read on.
After awhile, he got over it and went back to class. Then after awhile, he cried again.
Reason being: someone called him a crybaby (oh the irony)
Then he stomped out of the classroom again, and sat down at his nice little corner and started weeping like the pokemon master he was. Of course I had to do something, so I went over and talked to him, and the conversation went something like this:
Me: Can you tell me what happened?
LR: sobs
Me: If you don't tell me I cannot do anything
LR: sobs
Me: Do you want to go back to class?
Then it came, the one sentence that (sort of) made my day
I bit my lips, not because I was touched or anything, but anything less painful would have made me laugh my ass off. (You really have to be there to understand the funniness of this kinda sentence coming outta a 9-year-old's mouth)
But of course you never laugh at an emo kid in front of him, so I regained my composure, and just waited there with him so that he does not really go in the rain and fall sick and make his parents complain and make me lose my $65/day job.
But seriously, kids nowadays are really damn hard to handle. Made me wonder what kinda parent I would be in the future, and whether my kid would become like the LR I saw today.
I hope not.
Yeah I know it's still kinda early to think about this, but sex, we're all gonna be parents one day.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Friday, March 23, 2007
Today, I was bored.
It was when I came across this site
It looked interesting.
And then it happened.
I did the unthinkable.
I went on a quest.
A quest to find out which was the pointlessiest of them all (and to kill time).
And I found it.
The one pointless site that rules them all.
It was genius.
How could someone even think about creating something as boliao as that.
However, I was sure.
Sure that somewhere out there, there lurks an even more pointless site, waiting to be discovered by (bored) hunters like yours faithfully.
And the quest to find the one website (and to kill time) continues...
Stay tuned.
P.S. if you managed to read this post up till this very sentence, you're probably bored as well. Go, get yourself something meaningful to do. If not, I welcome you to join my quest, young one.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
- Yamaha Electronic Drumset $1300
- PS3 $900
- 20 inch LCD TV $700
- IKEA 2 seat sofa $200
You can see that these things are well beyond my reach, but that's the reason why it's called a WISHlist and not a IMABUYITTMRlist.
My birthday is on 16th May.
Monday, March 19, 2007

This probably explains why I was never considered a good student haha
And an artpiece done to cover Wangmo's anti-japanese sentiments which was shown on a card (it was a picture of a crossed japanese flag, the cross ended up as the cockroach legs)

i call this the roach approach
And i soon realized that i took ALOT of pictures with my 6230
Lesson time at 4E'05 (some call it nap time)

vip seats during chinese remedial

weird antics from Chairperson Wang

i miss the good old days
CNY at LPL's

The SC's (student councillors) approach of getting outta school after playing too much ball

no rulez (its WKK btw)
And of course there's comp train

gay pride (pribe)(inside joke)
The first bird that landed in the SJ room (i think)

neil birdstrong
We do the gayest stuff during comp trains (you can call it twittish)

no prize for guessing who's black sneakers are those

kristian slamet, black in heart, black on shoes
Birthdays were costly affairs

the cake costs $2.80 (look at how excited engene is) (sorry i meant eUgene)

2 cakes cost $5.60
And there were truly special moments (look how they try to hold hands oh-so-discreetly)

the forbidden love

against all odds
There were warriors amongst us

rocKY balboa
The date detectives before operation Iceburp at Pasir Ris Park on teachers day

agent 002

agent oo4

agent 004 in another disguise

who's this handsome chap
Its great knowing your squadmates

some of the perks that comes with it
like those who helped you train so that you can go win trophies while they only get our gratitude

thanks dudes

and they have no qualms about showing you their other side (junxiang)

then there's lots and lots of inside jokes (coco wong kin keong)
and i was talking about showing your truest side (it's a guy)(no its not keong)

you also get to know people who continues to win singing competition and becomes famous later in life
One Squad One Spirit is still so cool
Wow what a long post, and this really made me realize how meaningful the years in DHS were. Cool.
But yes, I've finally blogged.