My virgin gig!
Qing Tian - "Deng dao feng qing de na tian ye xu wo hui bi jiao BYEBYE"
Move Along intro (just the intro because we didn't really know how to play the whole song haha)
It Ends Tonight
I Will Survive
And POP pics from dick's Flickr
Including handy tips on how to take pictures with OSOS kidz.

Tip 1: When trying to take a picture for an OSOS kid, count to 3 but press the button at 1. Never mind that the person whom picture you're trying to take isn't ready with his/her pose; at least you get a picture of the whole face.

Tip 2: OSOS kids pose with weird handsigns that don't mean anything.

Tip 3:When taking a picture with any OSOS kids in the area, take the picture against a wall. (Notice the weird handsigns in the 2nd photo from the kids at the back again)

Tip 4: When you want no extra faces in the picture, get Keong to be in it (Nah Keong you know I'm just kidding)

Tip 5: If the mountain doesnt come to Ali, Ali goes to the mountain. (Ah Hong Ge's the mountain in case you don't get it)

OSOS still stayin' strong. Damn we're cool.
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